Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Update 5: Armies of Isengard

Update 5 was finally released on December 12. I just thought I'd give some of my thoughts about the features.

New Instances
There are 5 new instances with Update 5:
  • Dargnakh Unleashed (3-person)
  • Fangorn's Edge (3-person)
  • Pits of Isengard (3-person)
  • The Foundry (6-person)
  • The Tower of Orthanc (12-person)
I have yet to do anything but Foundry, and have failed both times I've gone in. The main reason is, of course, that it's new, and the group is still trying to figure out the mechanics. The first time, we did make it all the way to the final room, but the group's makeup wasn't strong on DPS, and the healer wasn't really trying very hard (it's a person I've grouped with in the past, and she tends to bail when things don't go perfectly smoothly - and they definitely weren't going well that night).

I entered Fangorn's Edge once on the test server, but we didn't make it passed the first group of pathers. The group makeup was bad. I also attempted the Pits on the test server, and the group did well enough to get to the last boss before the healer had to drop group. The only instance I've attempted live is The Foundry, and I've done it twice. Once with a PuG, and we did pretty well - making it to the final room. The second time was with a group of kinmates, but we didn't make it beyond the first boss.

The instances are built around environmental factors rather than boss mechanics, and they all seem to be interesting, and I'd really like to attempt each at least once. Apparently, as you work your way through the instances, you earn items that can eventually be crafted into a fairly nice necklace.

Instance Finder
The Instance Finder is a new tool that is meant to facilitate grouping. In a nutshell, you specify the role you'd like to perform, select the type of instance you want to do, and and select the size of the group. You're then placed in a queue, and when enough people have been found, you're placed into an instance.

Currently, the Finder does not support Raids, but only instances for 1 - 6 players. Also, you don't get to select the specific instance you want to do - it's randomly selected for you. Unfortunately, not all instances are available through the Finder: it supports Skirmishes, Classic Instances, and Isengard Instances. The Classic Instances consist of only scalable instances, such as the School, the Library, and the various wings of the Great Barrows. None of the instances in the Moria cluster, the Khazad Dûm cluster, the Dol Guldor cluster, or the Ost Dunhoth cluster are supported. The Isengard Instances include only the new end-game, non-raid instances: Dargnakh Unleashed, Fangorn's Edge, Pits of Isengard, and The Foundry.

A group, however, can form up, and then use the Instance Finder to join an instance.

It has been stated very clearly the Instance Finder is a work in progress, and it will be made more robust in the next update.

In general, I've not seen where people are using the Finder that often. There are just as many calls for groups in the global chat. 

I've used the Finder twice on the test server (Bullroarer) and once on live to find a blind group:
Test 1: I was matched with 2 captains. We were making our way down into the instance proper when we were attacked by a pathing group - and then aggroed another group. There was really no hope, and one of the captains dropped out.
Test 2: I was matched with a Hunter and a Minstrel. We did pretty well, and made it to the end boss, but he was one-shotting us, and then the mini had to drop group. 
Live: I joined and staying in the queue for about 5 minutes before I decided to log out and do something else.

I also used it to jump into an instance with a pre-formed group: A group of kinmates wanted to attempt The Foundry (and failed, miserably) and then Thadur's wing in Great Barrows.

From what I've read on the forums and in-game, the Finder is not very popular, mostly because of the randomness. The devs stated that they were trying to encourage people to run little-used content, but the things people don't like (namely the Dungeons of Dol Guldor) are mostly excluded at the present time.

Currency Consolidation
One of the major changes is that a lot of the skirmish and instance currency has been consolidated. There are now only 3 types of currency: Marks, Medallions, and Seals. Marks have taken the place of Skirmish Marks, and are the lowest form of currency. Medallions are the next step up, replacing various Campaign Marks and other special Marks. Seals are the top-tier currency. they replace the Superior Fourth Marks. Of course, other currency, such as the Silver Branches and Medallions of the North Men, haven't been replaced at all.

The general consensus I've heard is that the new currency system isn't very popular. It seems like few tokens are rewarded in comparison to the cost of the items - even getting enough Marks to level a soldier has slowed down. The Instance Finder is supposed to boost the acquisition rate (the daily quests in many instances have been removed so that people can run the instances over and over).

I ran a skirmish raid, and the returns seemed decent enough: around 500 Marks, 28 Medallions, and 6 Seals. I haven't really checked the prices of the new gear, so I can't speak to the whether the returns were worth the investment.

Reputation Tokens
Reputation Items have been made into consumable items. You can right click on a token, and it immediately increases your standing with the corresponding faction. You no longer have to run back to the reputation barter vendor to turn in tidy stacks of the tokens.

On the negative side, there are no more intro quests, and even low-level toons can reputation with any faction. This is one aspect I wish they had kept - and not just because it seems odd to allow a toon to earn reputation with a faction in a zone they've never even stepped foot into, but also because those quests gave reputation. There's a loss of around 2400 - 3600 points.

In Moria, new items have been added for the Iron Garrison Guards. The existing ones increase your standing with the Miners. No items have been added for factions (Eglain, Galadhrim, Grey Company, etc) for which no reputation tokens existed pre-update.

Overall, though, I like the change.

Volume III, Book 5
The Epic story continues in The Prince of Rohan, a short but climatic chapter.

In this chapter, we part ways with the Grey Company. Chapter 1 is all about saying goodbye to the remaining Rangers. And we get a nice cosmetic: a choice of Ranger cosmetics. There are two sets to choose from: the original worn set and the newer fine set. I chose the fine set.

We are tasked with assisting Theodred, the Prince of Rohan, in protecting Rohan from the forces of Isengard. After doing a few tasks for Grimbold and Theodred, we are thrown into the Battle of the Fords of Isen. This battle is a day-long event, and we are witness to important moments, moving through the day via a series of cut-scenes that explain what is happen. In the morning, we help Grimbold defend the flanks of the army. Then, by midday we have made our way to the Gates of Isengard and joined the main fight. In the afternoon, we have retreated and are fighting so that Theodred can escape. This part of the fight is particularly challenging. Finally, we fight our way to Theodred, who has been staging a desperate, last fight on an isle in the Isen. We witness the end of the Prince as the sun goes down.

I enjoyed the epic, but after the lengthy preceding book, it felt too short and a bit hollow. It would have been nice to spend a bit more time with the Prince, to give us more of a reason to mourn his loss.

Other Items of Note
Changes I find interesting and noteworthy:
  • The signs for the Auction House, Crafting Hall, and other facilities in Galtrev have been changed to banners.
  • Coffee has been added.
  • A plug-in manager has been added.
  • A tracker for nearby quests has been added.
  • A new minstrel instrument, the Pibgorn, has been added.
  • The icons for the Westfold crafting materials have been changed.
  • Each class has 3 new armour sets. Each set supports a specific trait line.
  • There are new deeds for using 50 of each color of fireworks. The reward is an anniversary token; there seem to be no title or other reason to complete the deed.
  • The cooldown on the festival consumables has been increased to 5 minutes and is now shared. This change is most unwelcome, but has come in response to complaints about people spamming the items on others.
  • The menu that appears when you right-click on your portrait has been reworked, and additional commands, including a command to leave your kin, have been added.
Perhaps the best thing about the update is that the Isengard expansion finally feels complete. There are some things that I think could be better, and somethings I'm not particularly excited about, but I'm generally positive about the update.

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